
Gynecology, Women’s Health & IVF

Gynecology, Women’s Health & IVF

Women's Health & IVF

We offer you treatment with first class doctors at an affordable price, without long waiting lists.

Gynaecology literally means “The Science of women”. This branch of medicine covers the functions and diseases specific to women and girls and especially covers the reproductive system.

Obstetrics and Gynaecology covers Pregnancy, Childbirth, Menopause, IVF, Genital Aesthetics, Gynaecologic Oncology, and Infertility.

Our two highly experienced Associate professors of OB/GYN on our team of doctors. Dr Ali Cenk Ozay and his wife Dr Ozlen Emetic Ozay. They will look after you from puberty through to post menopause. Whatever your issue they are here to help and find a solution.

They will diagnose, treat and when necessary perform surgical procedures. Dedicated to their profession they are committed to helping people overcome their gynecological issues. With many years’ of experience in this field as well as IVF they are a source of great knowledge and expertise.

Many common issues have quick effective treatments which can be carried out here quickly and effectively whilst other issues may require further tests or follow-up appointments.

Dr. Ozlen Emetic Ozay

Associate Professor Gynecology

Dr. Ali Cenk Ozay

Associate Professor Gynecology & IVF
Gynecology, Women's Health & IVF
Gynecology, Women's Health & IVF

Please do Contact us to discuss any other issues .

Gynecology, Women's Health & IVF
Gynecology, Women’s Health & IVF

Genital Aesthetics

Genital aesthetic surgery is the newest and fastest-growing specialty in gynaecology, and this includes procedures designed to change the look or functional aspects of the genital area. 

There are many aesthetic genital plastic surgery procedures that may enhance appearance and reduce discomfort. Patients sometimes refer to these procedures as female genital cosmetic surgery, and designer vagina surgery. 

Common procedures carried out by our OBS/GYN team

Gynecology, Women’s Health & IVF

Menopause & Healthy Ageing

There are many stages in life that require the care and advice of a Women’s health specialist. When hormone levels change it can cause a series of symptoms that affect the well being in women. Hot flushes, mood changes, sleep disturbances, breast tenderness, migraines and pain are just a few symptoms you may experience. 

Without having to join a long waiting list, we can evaluate and effectively treat hormone imbalances and give you medical advice on how to navigate your way through Menopause and beyond.

Gynecology, Women's Health & IVF
Gynecology, Women’s Health & IVF


IVF involves several steps and one cycle of IVF can take about two to three weeks.Before we start this process you will have a consultation with one of our specialists and they will take a full medical history from you and your partner

Our IVF doctor will guide you through the process and explain each important step, procedure and medication.

Gynecology, Women's Health & IVF
Gynecology, Women's Health & IVF
Gynecology, Women's Health & IVF
Gynecology, Women’s Health & IVF


IVF involves several steps and one cycle of IVF can take about two to three weeks.Before we start this process you will have a consultation with one of our specialists and they will take a full medical history from you and your partner

Our IVF doctor will guide you through the process and explain each important step, procedure and medication.

Here is an example of a treatment plan.

Initiation of oral contraceptive pills

Some patients will receive oral contraceptives at the start of their IVF cycle. The possible benefits of this include:

  • Shortened use of ovarian suppressive drugs such as GnRH-agonists (e.g. Lupron).
  • Decreased chance of developing ovarian cysts prior to starting gonadotropins.
  • Improved ovarian response during ovarian stimulation resulting in better egg recovery.
By suppressing your ovaries before we start stimulation it helps optimise the chances of a uniform follicle growth.

Baseline ultrasound

Around the time of your expected period, we will perform a transvaginal ultrasound scan. This allows us to examine your ovaries. This procedure is used to ensure your ovaries are not producing eggs at the moment and are suppressed. We also measures your serum estradiol level.  In some cases, women may develop cysts.  If we detect a cyst, we may not continue therapy until your cysts resolve on their own (usually in about a week). 

When your baseline ultrasound is normal, you will begin stimulatory medication.

Ovarian stimulation

If you take ovarian stimulants, you may experience fullness in your ovaries and have some skin reactions. You may experience minimal side effects.

You will be taught how to use injectable fertility medicines to encourage the growth of multiple follicles. You are an individual and so we will tailor make a specific stimulatory medication to suit your needs. 

This can include some or all of these medications.

  • GnRH-AGONISTS (e.g. Lupron) – The desired effect is to prevent early release of the developing eggs. This medication suppresses the pituitary gland. This, in turn improves the recruitment of multiple follicles. 
  • GnRH ANTAGONISTS (e.g. Ganirelix, Cetrotide) – This medication is similar to Lupron but works differently. It can also improve ovarian response.
  • Gonadotropins (e.g. follistim, Gonal-f, menopur, repronex, bravelle) – This medication helps to stimulate follicle development and egg maturation.


The medicines are injected just underneath the surface of your skin. You will be taught how to safely inject these medications. If you prefer you can visit the clinic to have these injections.


As well as stimulatory injections, we will monitor you in the clinic using ultrasounds and hormone measurements. You may need to visit the clinic frequently for monitoring.  Patients are usually seen every one to three days depending on follicle growth and estradiol level. This frequency allows us to adjust the dose of medication in an effort to improve follicular development. You will be in contact with your doctor and co-ordinator during this time . They will determine how frequently you will need to come in.

Oocyte retrieval. Egg Retrieval.

Thirty-six hours after taking your HCG injection, you will come into the clinic. Our doctors will perform an oocyte retrieval procedure, which involves removing eggs from your ovary. During the retrieval, we will use an IV-sedative that will help you feel comfortable.  This state is called conscious sedation.You will still be awake, but you will feel a little dozy mentally. Physically you will be quite comfortable. You will be told not to eat or drink anything after midnight the day before your procedure.

We will monitor you using an abdominal ultrasound to watch everything that’s happening inside during this procedure.   A very thin needle is inserted into your vagina and into your ovary. The contents from each follicle will be drawn into a test tube. The contents will be immediately delivered to our embryo laboratory and examined to find eggs. The egg retrieval takes approximately 20-30 minutes.

You will be able to return home or to your hotel after a brief recovery time.  After any sedation it is important to have someone else drive you home. We suggest you rest for the remainder of the day.  You may experience some soreness, cramping and mild vaginal bleeding on the night of retrieval. If necessary we will prescribe pain medication before you leave the clinic. Normally patients feel back to normal the following day. Your ovaries actually enlarge and remain enlarged for the next several weeks after egg retrieval. It is essential that you avoid heavy lifting, vigorous exertion or intercourse until your pregnancy test.


A semen sample is generally collected on the day of retrieval.  This is processed by the laboratory for the IVF procedure. In some cases, a frozen sample can be used. This is common when a sample from a sperm donor is necessary. Eggs are then inseminated with the sperm sample. Normally, on the day after the retrieval we will be able to all you the number if eggs that have fertilised. 

Embryo transfer

Our doctors will decide the most advantageous time to transfer the embryo. It can be between 3-6 days after retrieval.

The embryo(s) which have been chosen for transfer will be transferred using a catheter which will be inserted into your uterine cavity.  We use an abdominal ultrasound to watch and guide what is happening inside.  This procedure requires a full bladder. That allows our doctor to see your uterus, and allow for the best possible placement of the embryo(s).

Your doctor and embryologist will work with you to decide on the number of embryos to transfer.  A number of factors will be looked at in making this decision:

  • Quality and number of embryos retrieved.
  • Your age.
  • Previous pregnancies.
  • Whether you have had a previous transfer.
We are able to test for any abnormalities at this stage.

If you choose to, healthy embryos that are not chosen for transfer at this time and that meet freeze criteria will be frozen and stored for later use.

On the day of the transfer we will give you instructions which will involve bed rest, medications and other very important directions to follow until the day of your pregnancy test.

Luteal phase

Progesterone helps to support the uterine lining. It’s important in helping a healthy pregnancy develop. Progesterone supplementation increases the chance of success with IVF.  Because of this you will take progesterone after your egg retrieval.  You will take it either by injection and/or vaginal suppository. Your package insert may will include warnings about progesterone use in early pregnancy. However, progesterone supplementation is used worldwide for IVF and other infertility treatments. It is the same natural hormone your ovaries produce and is used in a dose that is not excessive. Progesterone will be continued at least until your pregnancy test and longer once you are pregnant.

Pregnancy test

A pregnancy test is performed approximately two weeks after your egg retrieval. Bleeding is also more common following IVF.  If you discover vaginal bleeding after the transfer, it does not mean that the procedure was unsuccessful. 

We will you ask you to get a blood pregnancy test (hCG level), approximately 12 days after embryo transfer. You’ll take this test even if you’re bleeding,.  When the test is positive, you will return for a follow-up test two to three days later. The test is to confirm that the level of hCG is rising appropriately.

Early obstetric ultrasounds

After two positive pregnancy tests, an early obstetric (OB) ultrasound should be scheduled. This will be about two to three weeks following the embryo transfer.  This ultrasound is done transvaginally and not abdominally.  We will look for an early fetal heartbeat, a yolk sac and gestational sac.  If the ultrasound is normal you will then be referred to a doctor in your home country. We recommend that you to see an obstetrician or nurse-midwife for the remainder of your pregnancy.

In some cases, a second ultrasound is advised one week later. Progesterone is continued until eight to 10 weeks from your retrieval.

Gynecology, Women's Health & IVF
Gynecology, Women’s Health & IVF

Sperm Donation

Who might need to use a sperm donor?
  • Couples with a male partner who has a sperm abnormality (like low sperm count)
  • Couples with a male partner who has a genetic abnormality that he doesn’t want to pass on to his children
  • Couples with a male partner who is post-vasectomy, post-prostate cancer treatment, or has a major spinal cord injury. 
  • Lesbian couples
  • Single women pursuing parentage without a male partner

You may choose to ask somebody you already know to be your sperm donor. The other option is a sperm bank. In either case it is important to make sure that the donor has had all the necessary health checks . A detailed personal and sexual history is required, as are physical examinations and tests for communicable diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) before they can donate sperm. 

Using donated sperm can cause complex emotions and issues both for the individual or couple receiving the sperm.  It may be beneficial to speak to an expert who specialises in third party reproduction about your feelings regarding using a sperm donor. 

If a known donor is not possible, and you are looking at a sperm bank there are few things to consider. 

Using a sperm bank

An unknown sperm donor remains anonymous to the recipient(s) of his sperm. Unknown sperm donors are usually found through a sperm bank. Some donors choose to always remain anonymous, while others agree to be contacted by any child conceived via their sperm when the child reaches legal age.

Sperm banks require that sperm donors:

  • Be between the ages of 18 and 40
  • Be healthy
  • Be non smokers
  • Pass extensive medical and genetic screenings.

A detailed personal and sexual history is required, as are physical examinations and tests for communicable diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Donated sperm, collected from a semen sample obtained via masturbation, is then frozen and quarantined for six months so that the potential donor may be re-tested for HIV and other STDs.

The first step in using a sperm donor is choosing the donor. When a man chooses to donate sperm to a sperm bank, he must provide a photo, full medical and social histories, education level and any other information that may be helpful in the selection process by the recipients.

The background and medical information can provide clues to attributes of the resulting child. Common criteria that individuals and couples use when choosing a donor include:

  • Similar genetics to the intended father or parents (height, build, hair and eye color, etc.)
  • Academic inclinations
  • Similar interests and skills to the intended parent(s).
Donor Insemination

Once a donor is chosen and the insemination date is set, the donated semen is thawed and analysed for any freezing/thawing damage. If the post-thaw semen meets the minimum standard it can then be used for insemination. Donor sperm is used via intrauterine insemination (IUI), intracervical insemination (ICI), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), or for in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles.

Gynecology, Women’s Health & IVF


Gynecology, Women's Health & IVF


Associate Professor Obstetics & Gynaecology

She speaks fluent

Dr Ozgur Turk
Dr Ozgur Turk

OZLEN EMEKÇI ÖZAY was born in Yeşilyurt, Cyprus. She graduated from Ege University Faculty of Medicine in 2009 (İzmir) and completed her specialty training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine in 2014 (İzmir). She has been married to Ali Cenk Özay since 2015 and they have a daughter and a son. She has been an Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynaecology since September 27th, 2021. She has been working at Ilithyia Private Clinic in Cyprus since November 2022.She conducts research activities in the fields of reproductive endocrinology, gynaecology, and obstetrics at Cyprus International University.

In addition to many genital aesthetic procedures such as labiaplasty, hudoplasty, hymenoplasty, G-shot, O-shot, vaginal surgeries such as vaginal hysterectomy, cystocele, rectocele, genital prolapse, infertility treatments are some of her areas of interest. She also specializes in genital laser applications.

She has the internationally valid ITCGA (International Training Center of Genital Aesthetic) certificate for genital aesthetics and laser applications.
She is a member of The Society of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery and Cyprus Turkish Medical Association.

Dr Ali Cenk Ozay

Associate Professor Gynaecology & IVF

He speaks fluent

Dr Ozgur Turk
Ali Cenk Ozay

Dr Ali Cenk Özay was born in Mersin, Turkey. He graduated from Gazi University Faculty of Medicine in 2009 (Ankara). Dr Ali completed his specialist training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine in 2015 (İzmir). He is married to Assoc Professor Özlen Emekçi Özay since 2015 and they have a daughter and a son. He has been an associate professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology since February 26th, 2021. He has been working at Ilithyia Private Clinic in Cyprus since November 2022. He conducts research activities in the fields of reproductive endocrinology, gynaecology, and obstetrics at Cyprus International University by taking part in many working groups. He is the author and co-author of many scientific reports and chapters in handbooks.

His areas of expertise are Infertility treatments such as IVF, oocyte donation, sperm donation, embryo donation, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries for gynaecologic indications, urogynecological operations such as cystocele, rectocele, genital prolapse, urinary incontinence surgeries, endometriosis management, polycystic ovary syndrome management and genital aesthetic interventions.

He is a member of The Society of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, Turkish Society of Reproductive Medicine, and The Cyprus Turkish Medical Association.

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