Hip Surgery

Hip Surgery

Hip Surgery

Hip replacement surgery is commonplace these days. With the discomfort patients experience and lack of mobility prior to surgery this procedure can help people regain mobility, and feel more able to live life in a more comfortable way. In this procedure the Surgeon removes your hip joint and relaxes it with a prosthetic joint. Typically he makes one long incision to remove the damaged bone and cartilage. The benefits of this surgery are that you should have a lot less pain and be able to be more mobile. We have physiotherapists on duty to aid your mobility and recovery.

Hip Surgery
Hip Surgery
Hip Surgery

Revision Total Hip Replacement

This surgery is performed to remove an existing prosthetic implant and replace it with a new implant. It can take longer to recover from revision surgery than your original hip replacement . Our team of surgeons will advise you as to exercise and aftercare.  We also have physiotherapists on duty to help aid your recovery and mobility.
With all hip surgery, We can organise accommodation which will enable you to recover in comfort. Waking aids are provided during your stay,